Prof. Rentetzi at the FAU Diversitiy Day

The documentary “Feminism WTF” explores the question of how power and dependency relationships in society can be broken down. On April 11, 18:15 at the Experimentiertheater in Erlangen (admission free), presented by the Office for Gender and Diversity at FAU. Event language: German, English subtitles requested.
Ort: Hörsaal H, Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen und per Zoom
Maria Rentetzi as Speaker in a Lecture at the Department of Physics:
Women in physics: you cannot be what you cannot see (followed by round table at 1:30 p.m.; see below)
Abstract: tba
register here.
A startling woman wears a silk robe and seemingly nothing else. She flashes her naked shoulder, her hands elegantly reach his, while her bare legs touch his thighs. She looks young, elegant, inviting. He, an ol...