7th international workshop: Communicatiοn of Science and Literature in the multiverse
(1st Giannis Pountos International Workshop)
Communicatiοn of Science and Literature in the multiverse
Aegina, Aegina Island, Greece July 3-5, 2023
The Municipality of Aegina, The Greek Physicists Society, The International Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST, The Science, Technology and Medicine Laboratory of the School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, The Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, The Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University, and the Department of Sociology of the University of Athens organize a three-day workshop to study the Communication of Science and Literature in the multiverse. The CoSciLit workshop has already an established tradition and papers presented in it have been published in thematic volumes, e-books, international journals etc.
This year’s workshop aims to discuss various views on the role and presence of science and literature communication in a highly diversified world. Science Diplomacy is also a main subject of the workshop as it is connected with our questions for the past, the present and the future of the world in various ways.
The mainstream idea about science and technology is that they are products of rational thinking and objective study. Communication practices conforming to this idea aim at spreading the word of science across boarders as if it were neutral and cross-cultural. Recent crises, though, showed that different cultural contexts bear different worldviews not only concerning cultural and social matters, but also concerning the way they perceive, develop and apply scientific and technological knowledge. What are the implications of this realization for the communication of science and science diplomacy? How can literature help us overcome our biases and develop a favourable disposition towards cultural diversity, even in issues such as science and technology. How can literature help us discover cultural microcosms within our own world and explore their scientific potential? How can communication contribute to the decolonization of science by building bridges between different worlds? What is the meaning and the role of Science Diplomacy in this complex milieu? Such are some indicative topics and questions that will be discussed during the workshop. The meeting aims to offer an open forum for all scholars interested in this growing research field, thus bringing into the dialogue multiple perspectives and different disciplines in order to promote creativity, originality, imagination and, of course, communication.
The series of workshops is devoted to Giannis Pountos, the former director of the Aegina High School, who passed away recently. Giannis Pountos was not only an exceptional teacher of Physics and a brilliant science communicator, but also a great person whose life, based on humanitarian principles, will lead us all as an eternally shining beacon.