mini-documentary of the transnational history lab

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This is the mini-documentary of the international winter school ‘Transnational History Lab’ that took place from 5th to 10th February 2024. In this documentary, we interview the organizers, some of the participants and invited speakers. We ask them the following questions:

1 – Why did you organize the school ? (to the organizers)

2- Why are you here ? (the participants and invited speakers)

3- What stood out the most for you in the school ?

4- As an expert, What did you bring at the table for the school ?

5- Any final remarks and feedback ? 

This aims to document the events and impressions of a highly successful gathering, facilitating an open exchange between young and senior scholars, with the objective of advancing the studies on transnational history. Funded and supported by Volkswagen Stiftung.

Click here to watch the film