Review for VAERK: edited by Aske Nielsen

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In September 2023, Dr. Aske Nielsen was co-editor on the edited volume VAERK: Museumssamlinger, politik og opbygning published by Aarhus University Press. The volume was produced through a project by seven Danish museums and supported through a grant by the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces to examine the museums’ artisanal collections. Dr. Nielsen was also coordinator for this project.


VAERK was just reviewed by the reviewer Per Ole Schovsbo on the largest Danish website for historical events historie-online. Schovsbo conludes his review by stating that: “VAERK is therefore a necessary and successful project, that is helping to lead both the older amateurs and younger museum professionals to a common language.”


VAERK contains 7 articles on different museological and historical aspects of collections, museums practices and artisanal history as well as an introduction to the museum concept of significance and how to define craftsmanship. The goal of the volume was to contribute to the Danish museums and their work in preserving Danish cultural heritage.


Link to the review: